Where Rigor Meets Engagement

Creating Learning Stations with Math in the Fast Lane

on Jul 30, 2021

Learning Stations are just a click away with your Math in the Fast Lane resource! In fact, just about everything on the resource can be utilized in station teaching.  Utilizing math stations can reap big benefits, including, a) A smaller-teacher-student ratio – more one-one-one time with your kids! b) Increased student autonomy and self-efficacy, c)  Higher levels of student engagement, and d) Differentiated instruction.

Just about everything on the site can be used in learning stations.  Here are just a few examples:

Station 1  Vocabulary:  Students love to sort! Every unit on Math in the Fast Lane has sorts.  Just print in landscape, cut, and place in baggies.  Make just enough for pairs at the station. (DI tip:  omit headings for a more challenging sort for some students.)  Word Art, Word Detective, and Taboo also make highly engaging stations.

Station 2  – Practice:  Bowties, menus, Fast Lane Finish Lines, cubes, and practice sorts are ideal.  For example, students can sort which numbers are prime and composite and then roll a cube for more practice. Bowties (or placemats) provide partners for support while you work with students at the teacher station.  (DI tip:  green problems are less difficult than the blue problems on Finish Lines.)

Station 3  Writing:  RAFTS merge business writing with real-world math as students write from the perspective of a person in a career that utilizes that math.  Bankers, contractors, computer store staff member – students take on different roles as they explain their mathematical reasoning.  “While You Were Out’s” provide choices of summarizing key points of the  math they are learning to an absent student.  Both make excellent writing stations.

Station 4  Defend Your Position/Extension Station:  Error Analysis, Sometimes-Always-Never, Agree/Disagree:  Students take a stand and try to defend their positions in these higher order thinking stations.

Station 5  Teacher Station: Direct instruction and quick feedback is the purpose here.  A plethora of problems are available at your fingertips on the site to model and check for understanding.  Students can work on white boards or their desks at this station.


Happy Station Creation!